Sunday, July 6, 2008

Nicaragua Trip in May 2008

I completed a trip in May 2008 to Leon, Nicaragua. This trip was so good for me on many levels. I experienced the joy of leading many each day to salvation in Jesus Christ. I was thrilled with the experience of seeing new brothers and sisters enter the kingdom.
The trip was a partnership between the evangelist Ronnie Hill & Voice of Hope Ministries. The organization prior to our arrival was excellent. The local pastors, interpretors, drivers, cooks, and others all did such a wonderful job and it allowed us to be the most effective we could. It was fun getting to know the interpretors and quickly developing those friendships.
This trip really exercised my faith. By preaching, teaching, trusting, believing, waiting, loving, and sharing. God's protection , provision, and guidance was felt so strong throughout the week.
Conferences went on, many fiestas were done, preachers and music were supplied to many churches, and the nightly crusade was done. The fiestas consisted of games, a skit, passing out candy and prizes, and prayer. The skit was called the sinbox and is a very simple but effective presentation of the gospel.
I had such a great time sharing that I am now going to the Sturgis Bike Rally to do it some more. This is again part of Ronnie Hill's evangelism using our three minute story. I look forward to this with great anticipation.

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